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An Identity that Cannot be Stolen

Published on July 25, 2016

#DailyDevotional Daily on John 10:27 about  Our Identity in Christ

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”  John 10:27-29

After three tries, the store clerk told my bride that the credit card just wouldn’t work. Fortunately, we had a back-up. We were out of the country and needed a credit card.

A call to the bank told us that our card had been “compromised.” We found out that meant that our identity had been stolen and someone had made a new card and having a merry time buying jewelry. I thought this could not be done with the new chip cards, but as always the thieves are just a few steps ahead of technology.

Fortunately the store did not block the purchases and no one was out any money. When we arrived home, a new card was waiting. I was, to say the least, angered that someone had stolen our identity and was using it to steal.

As I pondered the whole experience, I thought of a spiritual parallel. When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I acquired a new identity that no one can take away. I am His and He is mine and no one can separate us. My identity in Christ cannot be compromised, stolen or taken away.

In the secular world, our identity often takes the form of a number: Social Security, credit card, driver’s license or passport. We won’t get too far if we don’t have an official form of identity, usually accompanied by a picture.

In the world of faith, however, we receive our identity from God through Jesus Christ, and no one can ever take it away. In fact, much of the Bible talks about what God’s people are called to do because of their identity. Paul cuts to the heart when he writes, “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.Ephesians 2:10

By John Grant
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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