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True Satisfaction

Published on February 12, 2021

Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.Psalm 107:8-9

We know that God satisfies the yearning soul. He provides ample supply of what we quietly and desperately need. The question is never whether or not He can satisfy, rather, the question is whether or not we will go to Him to be satisfied.

If we are not satisfied we must ask ourselves, “Are we looking elsewhere to be satisfied?” When we’re dissatisfied it’s often because we’re distracted by what the world has to offer. We’ve taken our eyes off of God.

A soul satisfied by God alone can go through hardships, turmoil and utter darkness, and still sing the words of Horatio Spafford’s beloved hymn, “It is well with my soul”. These words were written after financial ruin and the deaths of five of his children.

We often think we know what we need. But God knows better. His ways are higher and His love runs deeper than what we can ever fathom. Until we come to the realization that NOTHING can satisfy us but God alone, will we be plagued with unrest, fear, and pure emptiness.

Heavenly Father, I want to be fulfilled by You and You only. I long to be closely connected to you. As the deer pants for water, so my soul longs for you. Fill me up, Lord. Amen

By Brigitte Straub
Used by Permission

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