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Clay in His Hands

Published on February 7, 2019

But now, O LORD, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand.  Isaiah 64:8

When an artist paints a picture, or a composer writes a song, there is a finished product. Think of your favorite song or a favorite painting in your home, or in an art museum or gallery. The idea was conceived, the work was mastered, and the product was brought to completion.

I ask myself sometimes, what is God, the Master artist, doing with me? What is He making, shaping, moulding, out of me?  Why can’t I see the finished product?

Because I am not a finished product. He is still working on me. I am clay and He is the potter. I am clay…in His hands.

And having lived for many years now, I have learned that He does not work in a hurry.

I have also learned that much of the time it is an invisible work He is doing, work I wish I could more easily see, but that would be my impatience showing. He’s working on that in me, too.

I am His workmanship, on the potter’s wheel, and I am being changed. He is still working on me. The Creator of the universe—who spoke into existence a whole world and its expansive heavens—is working on me!  In His hands, the hands of the Potter, I am being made beautiful.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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