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Hidden Wounds

Published on January 30, 2017

Praying Hands

The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices; and with my song will I praise him.” Psalms 28:7

Not too long ago, I had a professor make me aware of something she saw that I was struggling with. What she said touched me so deeply my eyes immediately started welling up with tears. I needed healing in an area of my life I was choosing to ignore and hoped would just go away.

Trusting God with our hearts so He can heal us takes courage.

When Jesus confronted the Samaritan woman at the well and her sin was exposed, she had a choice as to how she would respond. It took courage when she ran back to her town and shared with everyone how Jesus knew everything about her. “Then they left the town and made their way to Him” (John 4:30).

Being vulnerable with God and trusting Him with areas of our life that are difficult to face is exactly what He desires. God is the only one who can forgive us, heal us, love us through the situation, and give us the guidance we need.

The Samaritan woman received healing in her own heart; her testimony helped to heal the many that came to God that day.

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me and always being here for me in my times of need. I give you ______________ [state the areas you need God to heal], and ask that You would heal me. I desire to be close to you and to know You more. Amen.

By Brigitte Straub

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Photo Credit: Long Thein