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Walking Away and Coming Home Again

Published on August 29, 2019

What causes a person to close the door on their relationship with the Lord? Lose faith? What makes some Christians – walk away?

Death of a loved one
Financial loss

I think most people will experience at least one on this list and probably more than one. I’ve heard many people say one of these was what made them throw up their hands and walk away.

When Life Hurts the Most
When that hurt comes along, this is when it is vital for us to be there for one another – to help each other cling to God instead of turning away, and help bring us back when we lose our way. We need to keep loving, praying, and caring for each other. I cannot emphasize enough how much we must do this for each other in those difficult times in our lives. Satan wants that turning away to happen and he is probably clapping his hands when it does.

God Never Lets Go
For those of us who are God’s children, and something happens that causes us to let go of the grasp we’ve had on His hand and we turn away in anger, hurt, or disbelief – He never lets us go. We’re still His, no matter what. No matter how many years you live your life away from Him, when you breathe your last earthly breath, you are still His child with the everlasting life He died to give you when you accepted His gift of salvation. You will spend eternity in heaven with the Lord who never let you go.

If all God’s children could really grasp that now, and fully understand that He keeps holding onto you even when you “let go” of Him, would it make a difference?

A Choice to Come Back Home
I heard this testimony in a Sunday morning church service and it filled me with such hope for every person that faces deep pain and moves far away from a close walk with the Lord. This young man’s testimony reminded me that God is always calling us back to Him.

It was the testimony a man in his thirties shared about “stepping out of his relationship with the Lord” after a divorce, and almost becoming an alcoholic, until someone he worked with invited him to come to church, and since he was feeling at the end of his rope, he agreed to go with his co-worker to one church service. He beautifully said that when he went to that one church service, “It was like coming home, I felt the joy I remember knowing when I used to walk close with the Lord.” He admitted, he was the one that walked away, but he realized now that God had been there all along waiting for his return.

Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission
From:First Breath of Morning: Where God Waits For You Every Day.

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