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Don’t Let Jesus Walk Away

Published on May 17, 2017

crowd, city, Luke 4:30

“…he passed straight through the crowd and walked away.”  Luke 4:30

His message was too straightforward. He spoke soul-piercing truth. Machinations and motives were publicly revealed by his message. All the people in the place of worship were furious at his words and “drove him out of the town, took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built in order to throw him off the cliff.”

But Jesus had a purpose and it had not yet been accomplished so “he passed straight through the crowd and walked away.” Imagine their confusion, their frustration, their anger. Emotions heightened when they realized he simply went to another town where his message was welcomed.

How many times does Jesus walk through the crowds today when people resist and refuse his message of love? How many times does Jesus tenderly walk away from me when I have resisted his message? My heart is humbled and comforted to know that he always walks back when I recognize my rebellion, ask for forgiveness and return to his loving arms.

Don’t miss him. Don’t deny him the opportunity to do what Jesus did in the next town where the people were amazed at his authoritative teaching and saw him do miracles. Jesus can walk straight through but oh, how he desires to stop and have sweet fellowship with us.

Help me, Lord Jesus, to recognize your presence in the midst of the crowds. Teach me to sense when you want me to join you there.

By Marilyn Ehle

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