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In a World of Trouble

Published on May 29, 2017

John 14:25 Peace I leave with you

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14:27

Many people go through life looking for satisfaction in the world around them, only to be disappointed and unfulfilled. The peace that surpasses all human understanding can be found in only one place, and that place is not in this world. It is in Jesus, who said He both left and gave us peace (John 14:27).

Does life have you down? Are you regretful over yesterday or anxious about tomorrow? You will not find lasting peace in the world around you, in circumstances or in human relationships. Jesus said He was not of this world, and neither are we, His followers. The world is enemy territory, so if we look to the world for satisfaction, we will ultimately be disappointed.

The external world is always in a state of confusion under the curse of death and decay. We need to let go of our grip on the world and grasp hold of the hand of our Savior, who came to overcome the world (John 16:33). The peace that comes from Jesus cures fear and fright. A relationship with Jesus is the only one that can give us present peace. True peace is vertical (reaching up to God) rather than horizontal (looking to others and the world).

We cannot know the future, but we can know with certainty that we will have unforeseen difficulties that take us by surprise. This happens to everyone. While some appear to live a fairly trouble-free life, we cannot know what may be happening in their lives. But one thing is certain. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, but with Jesus, today can be a day of peace.

Lord, help me to reach up to you as you reach down to me . Help me to grasp your hand of peace, and Help me to overcome the world so I can live in the loving arms of the Master. Amen

By John Grant
Used by Permission

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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