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He Guides Me

Published on June 10, 2021

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.Psalm 23:2-3


Some of us won’t slow down for anything! Well, almost anything. When we get “too full of ourselves” and too caught up in our own plans, the LORD, our Shepherd, slows us down and makes us lie down. Our Shepherd knows we need rest, nourishment, and refreshment and helps us, yes and even sometimes makes us, find “green pastures” and “still waters.” He then leads us in the direction of his righteousness and holiness once we are rested and refreshed. Isn’t it interesting that God’s order for our life is always grace and then glory.


Thank you, dear Father, for slowing down my frantic life and leading me to times of refreshment, rest, and nourishment. I trust that you will lead me to what I need as you mature me to have more and more of your righteous character. Please forgive me for getting too busy to hear your voice and to respond to your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

By Phil Ware
used with permission
Phil’s daily devotionals on

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Further Reading

•  Praying the 23rd Psalm for Yourself and Others
•  What is the Father Saying to You?
•  Salvation Explained

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