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Storm Survival

Published on June 11, 2023

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 ESV

My cell phone sounded the emergency signal: “Hurricane approaching! Seek shelter now!”

As the hurricane loomed, news stations cautioned viewers to prepare for a very dangerous storm. Examples were given of those who ignored or procrastinated in past storms and met devastating consequences.

But we were prepared – house boarded, necessary food and water purchased and storm kit replenished. Still, the wind pounding against the house was frightening, especially since the storm shutters prevent you from seeing what’s happening outside. Eventually, it was night and the power went out, so we were blind to what was going on anyway.

All we could do was pray and trust.

Jesus cautioned, “…in the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33 ESV). Tribulation is from the Greek word thlipsis, meaning pressure; confined and without options; a no-way-of-escape kind of pressure. Sounds like a hurricane, but also life’s storms.

Jesus prefaced His warning with, “I have said these things that in me you may have peace.” How do we have peace amidst life’s binding circumstances?

It certainly wasn’t peaceful that night. But the word peace, eiréné, is an inner peace, like peace of mind. Moreover, it indicates wholeness, as in all essential parts joined together. Like “abiding.”

Many leaves and branches blew down when the storm winds ravaged, but I noticed the ones closer to the trunk stayed intact. Are you abiding in Him, so closely joined that nothing can shake you lose?

In John 15:4, Jesus said, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself...”

Fruit? What is one of the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23?


Every day without a storm is preparation time. If we have our spiritual storm survival kit equipped, abiding in His Word and prayer, then we will be strengthened and have His inner peace whenever life’s storms surge.

Lord, thank you that as I abide in you, no storm in life can shake me loose.

By Penny Cooke
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Setting up a  Proper Foundation in Your Life 

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained


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