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First Things First

Published on August 18, 2023

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”   Matthew 6:33

If you have difficulty living the Christian life, it’s because your priorities are wrong. If your priorities are right, your life will be right.

If your first priority is God, the rest of your life will fall into place. There is incredible power in having the proper priorities. As a matter of fact, you could sum up the problem of most people’s lives with this one sentence: They fail to put first things first.

He didn’t say seek Him first, but after your second cup of coffee. He didn’t say seek Him first, but after you’ve read the paper or watched your favorite morning news show. He didn’t say seek Him first, but not before your spouse and/or family. He didn’t say seek Him first but not before your career, career goals or work. He didn’t say seek Him first just behind any personal goals and dreams you might have.

He didn’t say seek Him first just behind all the church work and church stuff you’ve got to accomplish
first. He didn’t say seek Him first, but only if all your personal needs and desires are satisfied. He didn’t say seek Him first, but only if you don’t have anything better to do. He didn’t say seek Him first, but only if you feel like it. He didn’t say seek Him first if you feel Him close on the mountaintop or if you’ve hit rock bottom in the valley. He didn’t say seek Him first, but only after you fret and worry about it first

He said seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness.

Have you substituted busyness for seeking God, and in doing so allowed something other than God to be your first priority?

How can a Christian make God his or her number one priority? How do I go about seeking the kingdom of God first? The Bible gives us perspectives on how we can make the Lord our first priority.

We simply must put the spiritual priorities of life ahead of the material ones. The world tells us the priorities that matter, but Scripture puts God first in our lives. When we do, everything else that matters falls into place.

In order to be in God’s will, we have to be in His Word. Devotional time is important, but more important is daily reading of the Word, saturating our minds with it and then taking quiet time to listen how God speaks to us about what we have read…. Abiding.

What is it (or who is it) that you are putting before your relationship with God?

By John Grant
Used by Permission
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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Further Reading

• Wise Men Still Seek Him – by John Fisher

How to Seek the Lord – by Dr. Charles Stanley

Seek – Christian Poem by Joyce Stedelbauer


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