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Lady Pen

Published on December 15, 2023

For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness” Psalm 107:9

One day I gave my two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter paper and crayons to play with while I was working on the computer. After a little while she came to me and said, “Grandma, I want a lady pen.”

A lady pen?” I asked. “What is a lady pen? Show me.” I opened the desk drawer and showed her all the pens. She took the one with the brightest lid and walked back to her papers.

Soon she was back, quite disgusted. “Grandma, this pen does not make a lady,” she said. Then I understood what she had meant when she asked for a lady pen. She had expected the pen to automatically draw a lady for her. Of course, we know that pens can’t draw anything by themselves — they can only do what our hands make them do. But she hadn’t learned that yet.

Later, I wondered how often we as adults expect our work, our ministry, our spouse, or material things to do the impossible for us. We expect them to satisfy the longing and hunger in our heart and soul. No created thing can do that for us —only God can.

However, we can be a pencil in God’s hand. Mother Teresa once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” If we become pens in God’s hands, He will make something beautiful out of our lives, and it will spill over to others.

I drew a lady for Tabitha that day, although it was no masterpiece. God is the Master Creator. He is an excellent artist and will mold us into something beautiful and pleasing — if we yield to His control. He promises that we will not be disappointed.

Lord, help us to continually realize that You alone can satisfy the deepest longings in our hearts. You can make something beautiful out of our lives. Amen.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• True Satisfaction – by Brigitte Straub

Are You Enjoying the Goodness of the Lord?  by Kathy Cheek

Satisfaction –  by Kathy Cheek