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We Look to God

Published on October 1, 2009

by Max Lucado

“Lord, if it’s you,â€? Peter says, “tell me to come to you on the water.â€? Matthew 14:28 (NIV)

Peter is not testing Jesus; he is pleading with Jesus. Stepping onto a stormy sea is not a move of logic; it is a move of desperation. Peter grabs the edge of the boat. Throws out a leg… follows with the other. Several steps are taken. It’s as if an invisible ridge of rocks runs beneath his feet. At the end of the ridge is the glowing face of a never-say-die friend.

We do the same, don’t we? We come to Christ in an hour of deep need. We abandon the boat of good works. We realize… that human strength won’t save us. So we look to God in desperation. We realize… that all the good works in the world are puny when laid before the Perfect One.

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Max Lucado
From: In the Eye of the Storm
Copyright (Word Publishing, 1991)
Used by permission

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