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Locked Doors

Published on April 8, 2022

I lock my doors sometimes too. Emotional doors because I fear hurt or rejection.

When it was evening on that same day, the first day of the week…the disciples were meeting behind barred doors for fear of the Jews… Jesus came and stood among them, and said, “Peace to you.” After He said this, He showed them His hands and His side. When the disciples saw the Lord, they were filled with great joy.”  John 20:19-20 (Amplified Version)

They had moved from the pinnacle of joy to the crushing depths of tragedy within the span of a few days. Exultant “hosannas” were buried beneath horrifying screams of “crucify him.” The healing hands of Jesus were mutilated by spikes. His words of love and freedom were silenced by mockery and whips.

Rumors of his resurrection floated in the heavy air of disappointment, disillusionment and despair. His friends huddled together to be for each other what they could not be alone. They locked the doors because they knew what had happened to Jesus could easily happen to them. Then…

Jesus came and stood among them, and said, “Peace to you.”

I lock my doors sometimes too. Emotional doors because I fear hurt or rejection. Intellectual doors because I’m unsure what deep study will uncover. Spiritual doors because I wonder if giving my all will truly mean giving my all.

I need Jesus to come. I need to hear his voice and see his scarred hands and wounded side. I need to believe that it’s really him. Such hearing and seeing and believing doesn’t come easy. It requires time away from the realities of daily life which so often give birth to hurt, rejection and fear.

When Jesus came to his friends, he somehow miraculously just appeared. I don’t need that miracle today because he is as near as the Word of God (the Bible) and his Spirit who lives within me. To the pressing crowds Jesus once said, “Seek and you will find.” Crowds in my life—whether people or circumstances—so easily block out those words, words I need to hear and believe. It is through such seeking and believing that doors are unlocked so I can see Jesus. And experience his peace.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Pressing the RESET button on our lives 

•   Keeping Yourself in God’s Love – even during painful times in your life

•  Salvation Explained

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