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Because of His Gift

Published on March 24, 2018

The Son of Man will be handed over to people, and they will kill him.  After three days, he will rise from the dead.
Mark 9:31

Trace the path of this Savior, the God who swapped heavenly royalty for earthly poverty.  His bed became, at best, a borrowed pallet – and usually the hard earth.  He was dependent on handouts for his income.  He was sometimes so hungry he would eat raw grain or pick fruit off a tree.  He knew what it meant to have no home.

He was ridiculed. His neighbors tried to lynch him. Some called him a lunatic.  His family tried to confine him to their house.  His friends weren’t always faithful to him.

He was accused of a crime he never committed.  Witnesses were hired to lie.  The jury was rigged.  A judge swayed by politics handed down the death penalty.

They killed him.

And why?  Because of the gift that only He could give.

By Max Lucado
From: The Applause of Heaven
Used by Permission

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