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Open Heart

Published on May 26, 2018

Someone recently commented to me, and it is the same comment I have heard from others, that what I write makes them want to have a deeper walk with God. What I write makes them realize it is possible.

They thought it was complicated but it isn’t. It is as simple as opening your heart to it…constantly and consistently. It is not a big secret for just a select few. It is for everyone who calls Him LORD.
An open heart is a heart that welcomes Him in.

An open heart is a heart that makes time for Him.

A lady once told me in one sentence that she doesn’t have time for a quiet time in her schedule and in the next sentence she admitted that she gets up at 5:00 multiple mornings a week to run and train for marathons.

What are we making time for in our schedule?

It is easy to look at our schedules and find them jam packed and then we wonder why we don’t feel close to God.

I am not saying we shouldn’t get up at 5:00 in the morning and run.

I am saying that if we make time for running, then use that same kind of effort and dedication to also make time for God in a close and intimate way.

One of my favorite hymns, which I sadly haven’t heard in church in many years, but remains a favorite of mine is the beautiful song In the Garden.

This writer gets it. His words tell me he had a wide open heart and God filled it up with joy.

The heart that opens to the Lord is a heart He delights to fill.

Chorus from In the Garden, (C. Austin Miles 1912 

And He walks with me,
And He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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