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Strength Amidst Anguish

Published on April 22, 2022

My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.Psalm 73:26

Some of the greatest feelings of agony I’ve ever felt was being rejected by a family member. I remember grieving like I have never grieved before. I was left with searing pain, and a loss that I wasn’t prepared to deal with. I questioned whether my hurt would go away.

Rejection by friends or family, the loss of a loved one, the feeling of overwhelming depression in your soul due to various circumstances — these can all leave the heart wounded. A broken heart and crushed spirit is something we have all felt at one point or another. The ache can feel unbearable at times, leaving us to question whether or not we’ll be able to get through it. But it is in that moment that we realize God desires to be the strength of our hearts. God understands. “The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

When Jesus faced the excruciating physical and emotional torture of taking on the world’s sin, He leaned on His Father to give Him the strength He needed to push through and come out victorious (Luke 22:39-43).

Surrender to God and ask Him to have His way in your life. Acknowledge God to be that strength you need in the current situation you are facing at the moment. Pray and allow Him to bring you to a place of peace, knowing He will see you through.

Heavenly Father, thank you for being my strength during the moments where I am hurting and in pain. Thank you that I can lean on you and rest knowing that you are all I need. I surrender my life to you. Amen.

By Brigitte Straub
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Struggles, Despair

•   Hope for the Hopeless

•  Salvation Explained

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