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Facing a Wall of Fear?

Published on March 7, 2021

Perhaps standing before you is a wall of fear.  Brick upon brick of anxiety and dread. Haunting you are the kings of confusion.  Thanks to them, you’ve struggled with your identity and destiny. You’ve bought the lie that life has no purpose…that life has no absolutes. As a child of God, it comes down to a simple decision to believe and receive your position as an heir of God and coheir with Christ.

The Scriptures say in 1 John 4:17, “In this world we are like Jesus.”  Our inheritance is every bit as abundant as that of Jesus himself. What he receives, we receive. What message are you carving on that wall of fear?  What words are you writing? Choose hope, not despair. Choose life, not death. Choose God’s promises. You are a new person. Live like one! Because God’s promises are unbreakable, our hope is unshakable!

By Max Lucado
Used by permission

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Read: Unshakable Hope
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