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Saved to Serve

Published on February 19, 2024

”Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,  and whoever wants to be first must be your slave —  just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Matthew 20:26b-28

Do you believe the Lord is calling you to greatness?

I’m not referring to the kind of greatness the world knows, but the counter-cultural greatness of a committed Christ follower.

In my initial immature years as a believer, I thought receiving Christ as Savior was the beginning and the end of my eternal relationship journey with the Lord. Regrettably, many believers are spiritually stagnant. Ultimately, as I immersed myself in Jesus’ Words, I realized that receiving Christ is only the initial relational response in my intimate discipleship journey.

In Matthew 20, Jesus’ disciples, exhibiting an entitlement mentality, resentfully debate their perceived position and power in the Kingdom. Jesus corrects their perspective — clarifying that unlike the religious elite of Jesus’ day who thrive on power, prestige, and prosperity, His disciples must exemplify selfless, surrendered, servitude. Throughout the gospels, Jesus models and emphasizes intentional servitude. This compulsory discipleship dynamic reflects Kingdom greatness, and by God’s divine design, refines character — transforming the inner man to represent and reflect His Son, Jesus.

God calls every believer to embrace Kingdom greatness. As I continue to immerse myself in Jesus’ words and character, I realize that salvation is only the spark to the flame of our intimate and eternal relationship with God. Yes, Jesus saved us from sin, but more importantly, He saved us to serve — not exclusively within the comfort and confines of church community, but also to authentically represent and reflect Him within our broader communities of hurting and forgotten people.

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to understand and embrace Kingdom greatness. Create in me a servant’s heart — a heart that strives to emulate Jesus’ servant heart to a broken and hurting world. Open up opportunities for me to serve within my own community. Amen.

By Allan Mitchell
Used by Permission

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•  Empowered to Serve– A Poem by Margaret Mullings

•  Free to Serve – by John Fischer

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