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Trouble and Distress

Published on November 23, 2018

Trouble and Distress

Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight.”  Psalm 119:143


This verse is hard for me, because I know I am so blessed. Trouble and distress do not seem to be a part of my vocabulary right now. But I know in many places in the world this statement is true of Christians who are under attack and live under the threat of persecution and possibly even death. But their love for God and their commitment to obedience is greater than Satan’s threats because God’s will is their delight.


Majestic and holy God, I ask you to bless and liberate your church under persecution. But Father, I also ask that if physical deliverance is not what is coming, I pray for my brothers and sisters and I, that we may be found faithful in death before surrendering to compromise in life. Please strengthen our faith: we believe but help our unbelief. Empower us through your Spirit to be obedient: forgive us when we fall. Most of all, deliver us into your glorious presence without fault. I pray this in the name of Jesus, in whom I find my salvation and assurance. Amen.

By Phil Ware

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