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Out of Control

Published on January 23, 2019

If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.” Matthew 6:14 (NLT)

What do you do when people make choices that you cannot control?” I heard this question recently by a well-known pastor as he shared a message about Eve finding out her son was killed by his brother.

In that very moment, I began to ponder what my reaction would have been in this exact situation. Would I have been able to forgive freely considering the circumstances? I must admit, this situation would have tested me. It has been scenarios like this that challenged my walk with Christ. I have had to deal with several situations that were out of my control. I despise feeling helpless. In an effort to maintain sanity, I had to cling to Jesus, pleading for the grace to forgive and move forward.

The Bible is pretty clear on forgiveness. In order for us to receive forgiveness, we must be willing to forgive those that sin against us. We do not have the luxury to choose which sins we forgive and which ones we retain.

It helps to know that we are in good company. Jesus too had to live with decisions that were out of His control and yet He chose to forgive. The sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for us all is a constant reminder of God’s love for us. This same love that forgave us on the cross helps us to move on, knowing that in the end, He is able to redeem us through our acts of forgiveness.

Lord, it is only by your grace that we are able to freely forgive and walk in love when we have been sinned against. As we face challenges in this area remind us of your great love and sacrifice. Remind us of the grace that you have bestowed upon us, by casting our sins into the sea of forgiveness. Help us. I pray to choose forgiveness daily. In Jesus’ name, amen.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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FURTHER READING:  Many articles and devotionals focusing on Forgiveness

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