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The Omnipotence of God

Published on February 15, 2019

I am God Almighty.”  Genesis 17:1

When Abraham heard these words he fell on his face and God
spoke to him.  God filled his heart with faith in what He would
do for him.  O Christian, have you bowed in deep humility
before God until you felt that you were in living contact with
the Almighty?

Read in the Psalms how the saints of old gloried in God
and in His strength.

The Lord protect me from danger” (Psalm 27:1)

God remains the strength of my heart.” (Psalm 73:26).

Take time to appropriate these words and to adore God as
the Almighty One, your strength.

Christ taught us that salvation is the work of God and quite
impossible to humans.  When the disciples asked:  “Then who in
the world can be saved?” His answer was:  “Humanly speaking,
it is impossible.  But not with God.  Everything is possible with
God.”  (Mark 10:26-27).  If we firmly believe this, we will have
courage to believe that God is working in us all that is well-
pleasing in His sight.

Think how Paul prays for the Ephesians, that through the
enlightening of the Spirit, they might “begin to understand the
incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him.
(Ephesians 1:19).  When we fully believe that the mighty power
of God is working within us, we can joyfully say, ‘God is the
strength of my life.”

By Andrew Murray
use by Permission
From: Teach Me to Pray

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