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God Is Near

Published on February 24, 2019

God never promised us a life without storms, but He has promised to be there when we face them.

Consider the compelling testimony of Jehoshaphat.  According to the book of 2 Chronicles, the Moabites formed a great and powerful confederacy with the surrounding nations and marched against Jehoshaphat. It was a military version of a perfect storm. The Jews could handle one army. But when one army allies with another and those two combine with a third? Hear Jehoshaphat’s response as he cried out to God in prayer,

We have no power. . .nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You!” (2 Chronicles 20:12).

God responded,

Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s!” (vs. 15).

Expect to see the God of the Ages fight for you! He is as near as your next breath!

By Max Lucado

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Used by Permission. Read more Anxious for Nothing

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