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Unfair Treatment

Published on March 23, 2019

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:5-6 (NLT)

Not everything has turned out the way I expected. In those moments, my first question was usually, “Where did I go wrong?” Or I used to say, “God, why did you let this happen?’”

I believe in God. I know He loves me. I know I can put my trust in him because there is no one greater than he. He is my Creator, the God of this universe. There’s nowhere else to go other than to him.

But I have faced unfair situations. Have you? Most of the time, when I trust God, it works out well. I’ve learned, though, that relying on God hasn’t always prevented wrongdoings from occurring. “But God, it hurts!”

I asked God to protect me. I trusted him. I believed He would do so, with all my heart. Yet, another person, who had their own goals to achieve, wanted something so bad that nothing would stop them in their tracks — regardless if they hurt me or not. When I prayed about it, God reassured me that he would handle this.

Do you ever take matters into your own hands? I have tried this myself, only to fail. Other times, I relied on God to take care of the situation. I went the extra mile and asked him to be merciful towards the wrongdoer. He dealt with the matter for me.

Trust God — even when you can’t understand. He can give you victory even when it seems too late.

Heavenly Father, strengthen me when I go through difficulties or unfair treatment so I can forgive the offender and continue to trust you. In the name of Jesus I ask, Amen.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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