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There are Days

Published on April 5, 2019

There are days

When all things neatly line up as they should.
Then there are days when nothing lines up,
When nothing fits or looks the way
It seems that it should be.

Do I still trust when I don’t understand,
When I can’t see the way
It could possibly work out okay?

That’s when I trust the most…
that’s when I hold on tight,
That’s when I put my faith to work.
Faith believes God is making a way.

Faith believes
He can work all things for good,
When there are days all things line up –
When there are days
They don’t.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”.  ~ Romans 8:28

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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