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The Bodies

Published on March 19, 2008

by John Grant

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.�  (Psalm 139:14).

The exhibit recently came to our town and the departure date was several times extended to accommodate the thousand who came to view it. It was the most incredible display of human bodies I could ever imagine, showing in detail each part and system of the body, together with statistics. It was a phenomenal look at the phenomena we call the human body.

For nearly two hours I looked at bodies and body parts. I saw a human heart, one that will pump fifty million gallons of blood during it’s normal lifetime and every ounce of blood in the body passes through the heart at least once every minute. I saw bones tendons, muscles and miles of veins and arteries. I even saw the three smallest bones in the human body, all in the ear.

A walk through the fetal development section reminded us that a baby’s heart beats within three weeks after conception. We saw babies in various stages of development and if that doesn’t convince you of the homicidal nature of abortion then you have some kind of brain block.

As I walked around, I kept reciting over and over Psalm 139 ….. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The exhibit of the brain was mind boggling as I contemplated the vast capacity of the human brain, one that far supersedes even the most powerful and complex computer ever built. Wow!

It was strange that while I was enthralled with the bodies, I had no sense they were people. More than ever I realized they were but a shell where a person had resided and now very much like a vacant home after the family has left. I kept thinking about! Corinthians 16:19: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?”

Yes, I do have a temple.  As with the temple in Jerusalem, it is to be used in the service and praise of God.  If it is not, then it too needs a cleaning!  What an astonishing idea this is. As truly as the living God dwelt in the Mosaic tabernacle, and in the temple of Solomon, so truly does the Holy Spirit dwell in the souls of genuine Christians; and as the temple and all its utensils were holy, separated from all common and profane uses, and dedicated alone to the service of God, so the bodies of genuine Christians are holy, and all their members should be employed in the service of God alone.

As I walked around the thoughts of “wonderfully made� and “my body is a temple� kept  going through my mind and as I looked at the intricate systems of those bodies, all I could think of was that this is proof of an all loving all powerful God, because only God could make something like that. Well, I could go on and on but my temple just sent a signal that it was ready for lunch, so that’s all for now. 
(a thought on life from John Grant)

John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney. He is an active writer and frequent speaker.  He can be reached by e-mail at: