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Grace Chooses Forgiveness

Published on September 6, 2019

Victoria Ruvolo doesn’t remember the 18-year-old boy leaning out the window, of all things, holding a frozen turkey.  He threw it at her windshield.  It shattered Victoria’s face like a dinner plate on concrete.

John 13:14 -15 says,  “Since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. Do as I have done to you.” And that’s what Victoria Ruvolo did. Months later, she stood face to face with her offender in court. He was given six months behind bars and five year’s probation. Everyone in the courtroom objected to the light sentence. He sobbed while she spoke. The light sentence was her idea. “I forgive you. I want your life to be the best it can be. God gave me a second chance at life, and I passed it on” she said!  Grace chooses to give the forgiveness that’s been received!

By Max Lucado
Used by Permission

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