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Not My Will but Yours

Published on September 23, 2019

“And they said to her, No, we will return with you to your people.’Ruth 1:10

Imagine never leaving your hometown. The only people you know are the ones who live there. It’s your whole life and contains all of your memories. You can’t imagine ever moving.

Now imagine unforeseeable circumstances render you unable to stay. You’re now moving to a completely foreign city filled with new people. Technology isn’t available to communicate with anyone you know. That’s exactly what Ruth did, not because she was forced to, but because she loved her mother-in-law and God more than her home.

The Christian life is full of dying to self for our God. Ruth is a prime example of that. Instead of doing her own thing, Ruth decided to care for her mother-in-law and bear the burden of loneliness and of widowhood, even if it lasted until her own demise. She chose to step out of her comfort zone, trusting that God would provide.

The happy ending to this sacrifice is that God honored her for her ability to let go and give him control. God gave her a spouse who would ease her financial woes, as well as a child, and he allowed Ruth to be an ancestor to the great king David.

Has there been a time in your life where you didn’t want to do what God commanded you to do? What if the best is yet to come, just like Ruth’s journey? Don’t settle for the familiar. Take up your cross and follow God’s leading. No matter what comes, you won’t regret it.

Dear Lord, please give me the ability to make sacrifices for your glory knowing that you will always do what’s best for me and guide me through all obstacles. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
Used by Permission

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