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Published on November 6, 2019

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

It was winter and the buses were on strike. I picked up a student who wanted a ride on this cold day. He was from Africa and this was his first experience with a Canadian winter. As we talked, I noticed he didn’t have gloves. In that moment, it seemed that God prompted me, “Give him your gloves and tell him I love him.” I hesitated, not because I had a special attachment to my gloves, but what would the student think? How would he respond? As we approached his destination, I surrendered my fears and gave him my gloves. I told him I was doing this because God loves him. He thanked me, took my gloves and got out of the car.

Shortly after I got home, the phone rang. A friend was phoning with a question. “Do you need a pair of gloves?” Before I could answer, she explained she had purchased a pair of gloves for her son but they didn’t fit. For some reason she thought of me. Amazing.

God knows all things — the number of stars, the hairs on our heads and even when a sparrow falls to the ground (Luke 12:6-8). In his knowledge, he can guide us to special places in order to touch lives if we will listen and act on his direction! We may never know the results. I never saw that student again. But we can know our simple obedience will fit in God’s good plan!

Lord, I confess that so often I trust in my own thoughts and perceptions. I want your spirit to guide me in each area of my life. Amen.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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