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The Merciful

Published on November 30, 2019

Matthew 5:7 tells us: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

Jesus says the merciful are shown mercy. Forgiving others allows us to see how God has forgiven us. The dynamic of giving grace is the key to understanding grace. For it is when we forgive others, that we begin to feel what God feels.

Those who taste God’s grace but refuse to share it. Are tortured by anger. Chocked by bitterness. Consumed by revenge.

But for the one who tastes God’s grace and gives it to others, the reward is a blessed liberation. The prison door is thrown open. And the prisoner is set free, is yourself. Find the face of God who forgave you in the face of your enemy. Then set your enemy and yourself free.

By Max Lucado
Used by Permission

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