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My Weakness, God’s Strength

Published on April 29, 2023

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

For years I puzzled over the meaning of these verses in 2 Corinthians 12. They didn’t make sense. How could power be made perfect in weakness? And why would anyone boast about being weak?

Then I had to subject myself to nuclear-bomb strength chemo in order to save my life from aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 46, and these verses became crystal clear. Before cancer, I boasted in my own strength. I was a control freak and fiercely independent. I didn’t “need” anyone’s help.

But when chemo made me helpless as a newborn kitten, I finally realized control was an illusion. I humbly learned that I had no power of my own. I had zero strength and learned to lean fully on God for the first time in my life.

In weakness I finally rested solely in Christ’s power and could honestly “boast” in the grace of God rather than in my own feeble efforts. As a result, my faith grew stronger than it ever would have if I’d remained in my “independent woman” state.

What are you struggling with today? You are not meant to go through this alone. Draw closer to our Lord instead.

In your weakness, lean on God’s holy strength. He won’t let you down. Instead, he will lift you up and may bring people into your situation to help you. If so, thank him, and them.

Father, I thank you for all the times I am weak and helpless so I can be reminded how much I need your strength. Help me never to rely solely on my own meager efforts, but only in your all-sufficient grace. Amen.

By Katy Huth Jones
Used by Permission

Would you like to know God and have him walking beside you, helping you, as you go through this tough journey?  You can begin this personal relationship with God today if you sincerely want Him to give you direction from now on.

Why don’t you ask Jesus Christ to come into your life,

“Lord Jesus, I need You!  I am hurting, confused, feel rejected and emotionally scarred. Will you please come into my life, forgive my sins, heal my body, soul and spirit and walk beside me as I walk through this tough journey.  Would you please direct my life from now on?  Thank you! Amen”

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