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Pain Filled Morning

Published on January 28, 2020

“knowing that He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it.”  Philippians 1:6 (NLT)

Pain filled yet another of Gracie’s mornings. 

Her husband Peter tried to comfort her –“It won’t always hurt.  And one day you’ll have a new body that will be pain free.”

She snapped her head around and said –“I know I’ll have a pain-free body in Heaven one day. But today, right now, I need to hear that God has purpose and meaning for me, even in my pain-filled, broken body. That’s what you need to remind me of – every day!”

Gracie’s devastating car accident in 1983 led to the amputation of both legs.

Friend, maybe you, like Gracie, need to be lovingly reminded of God’s purpose for your life.

If you’ve turned your heart over to Jesus, God promises that you are purposed, planned, loved and guided through this life.

Even through your darkest, pain-filled valleys.

While on this earth, I am to live by faith and trust God each day.

Peter and Gracie Rosenberger

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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