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Is Anyone Listening?

Published on April 6, 2020

“And he said to me, ‘Son of man, listen carefully and take to heart all the words I speak to you.’”   Ezekiel 3:10

He had all the answers to every question, and he had the right answers. At least he thought he did, and even when there was no question he still had the right opinion. I didn’t like his “know it all” attitude and didn’t want to listen to him. This annoying city boy was visiting our family farm. He was 13 years old and I was 12.

But what if there was someone who really did have all the answers? Would I listen? After all, I go to a mechanic to get my car fixed. I visit a doctor with my health questions. I ask an architect for design plans. So, yes, I do seek and listen to the opinions of experts. Why? Because I realize I need help in these areas.

Wouldn’t it be superb if there was an expert on life, someone who knew all the secrets that we don’t? It would only make sense to seek out this person for answers.

These very thoughts have pushed me into the spiritual realm to seek the creator God who knows the very secrets of the universe. He not only knows me, but he has declared his love for me. He’s truly the benevolent expert, but the question is, “Am I listening to him?”

Ask yourself that question. Do you seek the answers from the Source of everything, or try to figure it all out on your own? And when he responds, be it through examples in nature, Scripture, sermons, hymns or whatever, are you listening?

Father God, I find it hard to listen because of my pride, self-reliance, busyness, and doubt. You truly are the expert on life, and you know me. You know everything about my life. I confess my foolishness when I attempt to fix things on my own. Your wisdom is far superior to my best ideas. I’m listening. Guide me! Amen.

Go Deeper — What do you worry about the most? God can bring wisdom and resources beyond your own to these situations if you trust him.

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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