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What Faith Looks Like – A Choice to Trust

Published on June 2, 2020

‘Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.’ Proverbs 3:5&6

In this journey of faith I walk with the Lord, what does walking by faith look like? Sometimes, it looks like a thousand questions to which there are no answers, leaving one wondering what in the world is going on, how can things be so messed up, how can it all be fixed and straightened out?

I have learned that I have a Choice. I have a significant Choice. Trust the Lord, our Sovereign Holy Almighty God.

This choice brings me peace. Peace that cannot be explained because there are still a thousand questions and there are still troubling circumstances that need to be untangled.

In this journey of faith, what does faith look like? It looks like a choice to trust God.  It’s not a cliche—it’s life! It is hope. It is faith. It is faith that trusts. If I don’t make this choice, then what is the alternative? Trying to control circumstances I cannot control, worry, anxiety, anger, fear, and the list goes on.

What if I make two lists? The first list would be things I understand, things I can control, and things I can fix. The second list would be things I don’t understand, things I can’t control, and things I cannot fix. Which list would be longer? The longer list, obviously, is the list of things I cannot control, cannot fix, and cannot understand.

There is a third list I will make. Why do I choose my faith and choose my trust in God?

The answer is – my history with God, and all He’s already done for me. He saved me. He loves me. He daily pours grace and mercy into my life. He’s already worked in a thousand amazing ways in my life, and that has taught me Who He is and that I can trust Him. He has strengthened my faith in a life long journey, and He calls me to this faith with every unanswered question, with every situation that is out of my control.

Faith is the answer to a thousand unanswered questions, and it happens in the choice to fully place our trust in the Lord.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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