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Trusting God in Extreme Situations

Published on July 6, 2023

Devotional on Psalm 11

David was facing extreme dangers when he wrote Psalm 11. His enemies were waiting in the shadows to shoot their arrows at him ( 2). This could refer to verbal attacks and very definitely, to attacks on his life.  King Saul had already been using him as target practice to enhance his skills in javelin throwing (1 Samuel 19:10)! As his very foundation was being shaken (3), David’s close friends had encouraged him to flee to safety.

Let’s look at David’s responses to this extreme challenge.

1) He refused to flee in fear (1)

David refused to ‘flee like a bird to the mountains‘ as advised by His friends. He would trust the Lord to deliver him.

It’s sad that when things get tough, many people decide to run away, seeking relief elsewhere. As a result, they run away from a difficult marriage, a hurting relationship, a challenging job, a financial crisis and other trying circumstances. Christian leaders run away from the challenges of a struggling ministry. Some run away from finding true love because they were hurt once in a relationship. The scriptures record how Elijah, a man of faith and anointing, ran away when confronted by Jezebel (1 Kings 19:2-3).

Are you in that place today? Are you ready to give up? Throw in the towel? Let’s take heart from the faith shown by David.

2) He knew where his security lay (4-5)

David saw that the Lord was still in control of his life because He was on His heavenly throne. His eyes were on God and not on the dangers surrounding him! He saw this just and righteous God (7), closely observing everything that was happening (4). He therefore placed his security in the Lord’s hands, knowing that God was well able to protect him (6).

Yes, God closely observes everything his children go through. While sometimes it may seem like He is inattentive, He never takes His eyes off us and will answer at the right moment. He not only saved David from this challenge, but from every challenge he faced in a colorful career.

 3) He sought God’ presence

David says, ‘upright men will see His (God’s) face’ (7). He clearly knew the joy and beauty of being in God’s presence – ‘You will fill me with joy in Your presence’ (Psalm 16:11). David also knew that the key to seeing the face of God was to live uprightly before Him, even in the most difficult situations.

Are you spending quality time in God’s presence? Are you living uprightly before Him, especially in the midst of extreme challenges? Let’s resolve to do so as the Psalmist shows us.

As we live uprightly in God’s presence, we realize that He is our refuge (1). We can therefore face every challenge our enemies throw at us.

Prayer Lord, help me to stand strong in You in the most difficult challenges facing me today. May I know that You will never fail me and that my security is in You alone. May I remain in your presence and strive to live uprightly before You. Amen

By Palitha Jayasooriya
Used by Permission

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