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Freedom Reigns

Published on May 4, 2024

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 NLT

Worship God when you find yourself burdened with the cares of this world. Worship him when you feel lost and alone. Worship him when you are afraid. Worship him when you are hurting, and the pain seems to linger longer than expected. It is when we worship our God that we begin to create an atmosphere of worship that brings freedom.

Isaiah 61:7 encourages the believer to put on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” It is here that we find how fear dissipates. It is in the presence of the Lord. All cares and concerns can be left at the feet of Jesus. It is here that the power of the Holy Spirit is present to heal, set free, and deliver. It is in the atmosphere of worship that the Holy Spirit begins to comfort. It is here that the peace of God becomes evident.

Freedom reigns when we worship. In our own humanness, we believe we have all the answers. When we begin to place ourselves under the authority of our Heavenly Father, exalting him and not ourselves or our situation, we find that he begins to show up. When his Spirit is present, we can find rest in his love for us.

Today, if you find yourself in any of the circumstances mentioned above, take a moment to do as David did in Psalm 34. Command your soul to praise the Lord. Begin to change the atmosphere around you in order to hear clearly and receive the hope your soul so desperately needs today.

Father, today I recognize the power of your presence to heal, set free, and deliver me from a place of brokenness. Help me to exchange my pain, my heaviness, and my fears for your peace, love and soundness of mind. Thank you for always showing up in my situation. Thank you for always being present in my life. I love you, Lord. Amen.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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