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Hope in the Middle of Despair

Published on October 2, 2020

In my distress I called upon the LORD;
to my God I cried for help.
From his temple he heard my voice,
and my cry to him reached his ears.
Psalm 18:6

Sometimes our circumstances seem overwhelming. We may feel like we will never get out of the particularly bothersome situation we are in. Perhaps it’s a season of joblessness or the struggle with a prodigal child. Maybe it’s a health issue or a relationship issue. Whatever the circumstance may be, there’s always a glimmer of hope, despite how bleak the outcome appears to be or how we might feel.

David felt overwhelmed by his circumstances, too. David’s distress involved constantly fleeing from the jealous king, Saul, in order to preserve his life. He was fighting to survive and constantly asking God to deliver him. Although it was quite some time before David was completely delivered from Saul’s wrath, David was able to see the hand of God working at various times when Saul’s plans were thwarted. David experienced small victories and that gave him hope for the future.

God delivered David from the circumstances he couldn’t handle and from the despair David felt. If God was able to deliver this man from imminent death, then he can surely deliver you from your situation as well.

We must be aware of the small victories God gives to us as we cry for deliverance. Although we may not experience automatic deliverance when we want it, God hears and has a plan for our situation. We can find hope in stories like David’s in which God did redeem him from his distress. These stories are here to give us that same hope too!

Dear Lord, I don’t understand my circumstances, but I know you do. You gave victory to David; please give me victory too. Please hear the voice of your humble child and grant relief. Amen.

By Ashlea Massie
Used by Permission

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