“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8 (ESV)
Zoë walks to her nearby school, and in this gloomy month of December, she went off in too much hurriedness, and in the process forgot her watch. A few minutes after she left, I noticed it on the bathroom radiator. So, being a dad, I rushed out to the car and drove up the road to catch her, pulled over and handed her the wrist-watch to put on. She took it and off I went back home.
Simple little story but further to this I was not one-hundred-percent myself either. Being under the weather I went out to the car and in my haste I had forgotten to put on my glasses. As a result everything in the distance was a blur. I was not going far, and my eyesight is not that bad, I thought I would keep going to catch her up before Zoë arrived at a busy junction further up the road.
Having succeeded in my mission I did a U-turn in a nearby cul-de-sac and was about to pull out when out of the gloom a car came near. All I could see were the headlight beams and, without my glasses, my vision was blurred. I could not easily judge the speed of the car so I did the sensible thing and waited until the car had passed and then went back home. Phew! On my return I headed straight for my glasses and put them on. Then I set about getting Sophia, off to her primary school driving to where we used to live. Rush, rush, rush.
On the way back home, as I sat in the lines of rush hour traffic, I had a moment to reflect upon how all too often I forget to find time in the morning to receive God’s focus for life’s little journeys before I rush out into the day. Not putting time aside for the influence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s perspective on my life my decision-making has become a bit blurred. Danger lurks, all because my focus is a bit blurred by the world and my natural selfishness. I have not re-aligned my thoughts in tune with God and His Word. Yes, reading the Bible at the start of the day is a good place to invite the presence of Jesus in to quiet our rushing about. However, I have found it requires a submissive heart and willing attitude to allow the Holy Spirit’s influence on, and into, our thoughts and beings.
Today, even in the rushing about, take a moment, in a queue, in a waiting room, having a lunch break, and take advantage of the focus that comes from the Love of God for you. Our God knows us and wants to bring His influence to bear in us, with us when we call on Him in prayer. Rushing into day without a thought for God is to me like leading with the chin, sooner or later it will end in tears, so why do it?
LORD, here we are again rushing in before the throne, like a child that knows they have not complied with a call as fast as they could have done. You are worthy of more praise and thanks than we have been troubled to give.
We have no excuse; but Your nature is to have mercy and, as Our Father, You are always passionate to receive us through Jesus’ invitation with open arms. May we find acceptance, rest for our souls and peace in our hearts
By Roderick Marshall
Used by Permission
Reading the Bible – Where to Start?
How to Have a ‘Quiet Time’ with God
Learn more about knowing Jesus at: https://thoughtsaboutgod.com/four-laws/
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