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Live Like Jesus

Published on October 15, 2020

“But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.”  1 John 2:5-6

Do you have the privilege of having someone in your life who mentors and inspires you? Parents, teachers, pastors, and occupational mentors can model and teach us essential skills that equip us to live life successfully.

An indispensable aspect of the teacher-learner relationship, which assures and affirms correctness and consistency, is that we inevitably and obediently live out what we learn by practicing, modelling, and reflecting upon our life tutor’s lessons, and then inspire other life learners.

In today’s passage, the Apostle John reminds us that Jesus is our ultimate life mentor, and more importantly, the confirmation of our teacher-disciple relationship with him is that we practice, model, and reflect his life lessons and his commandments in our daily lives. Furthermore, John emphasizes that when we faithfully and obediently walk in his Word, we express an authentic love for God. John reiterates that “we know we are in him” when we embrace the mantle of obedience and walk the talk by living life “as Jesus did.”

Christ-followers, who desire an authentic discipleship experience in the power of the Holy Spirit, must prayerfully and humbly embrace Jesus’ mantle of obedience – enlarging their sphere of influence beyond the church walls to authentically reflect our life tutor’s love, lessons, and life to a hurting and seeking world.

Walking in his Word reflects our love for God and sanctifies our soul by transforming us to become a greater influence on others while also transforming us into the image of Jesus.

Will you allow Jesus to inspire you?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that your Word is faithful. Through the Holy Spirit, empower me to embrace your mantle of obedience so that I can daily and faithfully walk in your Word and live more like Jesus. Increase my sphere of influence, beyond the church walls, so I can live out my faith in a world that is crying out for a Savior. Amen.

By Allan Mitchell
Used by Permission

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How you can Walk in the Spirit – printable lesson (pdf file)

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