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Published on November 13, 2020

“And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her.”  Luke 8:43

I often fall into the trap of thinking I can handle most things the world tosses at me, proudly believing I am more capable than, in reality, I am at times.

Then came the pandemic, business closures, stay-at-home orders, and social unrest in neighbourhoods we call home.

We now have a daily reminder about our limited capacity to deal with the outbreak and flare-ups in our communities and cities. Many things lie outside our skill set to undertake on our own. We might be the best doctor, the best office manager, the best Mom or Dad. But at some point, our skills will eventually fail us no matter how hard we try to shoo away the mess we find ourselves in at the moment.

God reminds us through the storms and trials in our lives that we cannot fix everything to our liking.

In Luke 8, we hear about the hemorrhaging woman. She went to doctors for 12 years, but only Jesus could stop the bleeding — a reminder that some things are reserved for the Lord alone to resolve.

Through our trials, Jesus brings us to the truth of our limitations. Even daily challenges in our lives reveal this reality. Without them, our imperfect power remains hidden, shrouded in pride. And we stay dependent on ourselves and not on the Savior and Redeemer.

Turn to the Lord in prayer during these uncertain times. God has the divine power to turn things around when we cannot. He understands what is best for us.

Lord, may I never forget you are our fixer when things get out of control in our lives. We do not and should not feel we need to go it alone. And no matter what skills you have given us, we must never forget our dependence on you. Amen.

Remember that the God of the universe lives within you by his Spirit and wants you to rely on his strength to obey him, whatever the task.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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