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Living in Harmony

Published on January 26, 2021

“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.Romans 12:16 (ESV)

In relationships, we should always aim to live in harmony with each other. In order to do that, we each must readily adjust ourselves to other people. This is not always easy to do, but the grace of God is available to help us. Often, we don’t take the time to process why challenges come up in relationships. We are too quick to judge.

Selfishness has no place in healthy relationships, but the harmony we long for will come when we begin to put others above ourselves. This is one of the characteristics of Jesus. The Bible is filled with many examples teaching us how to handle our relationships. It is important for us to learn from the best Teacher — the Holy Spirit. It is impossible for us to love the Lord, whom we cannot see, if we do not love those who are with us daily.

By coming to dwell in us by his Holy Spirit, God has made it possible for us to do what seems impossible, even when we are in a difficult place. One important lesson the Holy Spirit taught me years ago was to seek peace and pursue it. Our Scripture reference today is one I had to keep close to my heart in order to live out that purpose.

Father, there are people in my life that I struggle to relate to. I pray that you would teach me to rely on the grace you have already provided to help me in my times of need. I invite you into every relationship I have. Minister to our hearts today and allow us to see truth in every situation. Teach us how to love like you love, Father. Amen.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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