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Inside This Trust

Published on January 30, 2021

Inside This Trust

But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You.Psalm 5:11a

Inside this trust I have in God

Is a place where I am safe

Hopes and dreams live and grow

Heart’s desires slowly unfold

Faith learns how to take each step

Day by day as I follow Him

The best place to be in a relationship with the Lord is a place of complete trust. When I understand God is sovereign and has my best interests at heart, there is no better place to be than a safe and secure trusting walk with the Lord.

When we seek Him first and trust Him with all our heart, the details of our lives fall into the perfect places He has prepared for us. While we have been trying to figure out what to do next, He already holds all the answers and He asks us to join with Him and walk a road of complete faith and fully surrendered lives.

Trust God with every care, big and small, casting them into His hands and leaving them there. Let go of fretting and learn to trust your heavenly Father, and you will find a depth of relationship you didn’t know was possible before. Whatever comes your way, whatever crosses your path, in your heart you must say and believe,

“Lord, I trust you with this, completely, this is in Your hands, Your perfect hands.”

It isn’t always easy to do or the natural way our thinking wants to take us, but as one who has walked with the Lord a very long time I can testify that this choice, this action of complete trust has grown my faith to a deeper and steadfast place in my mind, heart, and soul.

I have found that my life holds the most peace and joy when I choose to dwell inside this trust I have in God.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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