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How Do You Cope with Change?

Published on February 21, 2021

“Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13

Have you ever questioned God’s goodness? 

I am tempted to do so when I don’t understand why things went wrong.

Once, I purchased a lovely casserole and it looked great. It came with a lifetime warranty! Sounds like top quality, right?

As I used the casserole to do some cooking, I noticed that the non-stick layer started to disappear. When the casserole wasn’t useful anymore, I thought “I should have known.” A casserole rarely lasts for a lifetime!

Maybe there’s something else you believed would last a lifetime or almost. Could it be a job you liked? Or a relationship you really thought would last? Or a beautiful home? The list can go on…

When things end or don’t go our way, it’s easy for others to say that life still goes on. Yet, we know what we’re going through. It hurts. And during those tough moments of life, if we are not careful, it’s so easy to question God’s goodness.

When things are foggy, I like to remember the past.

Sometimes circumstances seemed to be too tough to be true. Yet, I’m still alive and well. Maybe the person I believed in didn’t help me, but someone else showed up. Those moments are God-moments that I can’t forget.   Remember times when you made it even if you don’t know how. That’s God sending someone or opening a door to help you. God is good. I am confident God will show up again and again in various ways. I don’t need to understand how he will do it.

Father God, I thank you for every good thing you did for me in the past. I can’t wait to see your goodness in my everyday life!

Maybe you feel like losing heart right now. If you would like to share what you’re going through with someone who is ready to listen, know we have mentors ready to help. Just fill in the form below and someone will contact you soon.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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