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Know and Do the Will of God

Published on March 5, 2021

“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5.17

When someone knows and does the will of God, they may not appear to be wise to everyone. Yet, whoever is wise will live out the will of God.

John the Baptist ate locusts and honey, which may seem strange to some. Yet, he did what he was sent for. So, it may be a surprise that the wise don’t appear to have it together.

If I tell you there’s much evil on Earth today, I may sound negative. Even if I do, that’s the truth. However, you may want to do what’s good. If you want to be and do well, remember that time is limited.

So, let’s use our time wisely — to do things that apply to our vision.

It’s so important to pay attention to God’s ways of doing things. As long as Earth and humanity exist, God will want our attention. That’s because he loves us. Maybe you feel too busy and think you have too many issues to take time to listen to God. By the time you finish what you need to do, you might feel worn out. We have only 24 hours in a day and we have to take care of our daily needs. Yet, if you and I are willing, we’ll know the heart of God. This helps us to live in sync with his will.

Sometimes we may miss his will, but if we pay attention, we’ll get to know his ways. We can then make decisions that are more and more in line with his will.

So, before you make a decision, ask, “Will this honor you, Lord?

Heavenly Father, can you please help me know your will for my life? Strengthen me so I can make decisions that are within your will. In Jesus’ name I ask.

Before making any decision, ask God if this will honor or dishonor him. Then give him time to remind you of his commandments and priorities on this issue before deciding what your next step should be. Then obey, trusting his Spirit within you is giving you all the resources you need to do so.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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