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Approaching Storm

Published on June 1, 2021

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39

I remember a friend of mine a few years back calling to tell me about a report whirling around the office. “My company is planning a ‘reorg’,” he said, which is a significant and disruptive overhaul of its business structure. He had a new baby on the way at the time. The possibility of getting laid off concerned him a great deal and his stress level soared as we continued to talk.

Since I have survived several reorgs, I was glad he had reached out to me. I tried to ease his worries about his family and close friends at work by giving him my perspective on what to expect in the coming days and weeks.

As we continue to exchange ideas to help him prepare, I realized how often we fail to go to our Savior when we see an approaching storm. Our tendency is to brace for the looming trouble ahead with the help of colleagues and friends alone.

Jesus knows about the approaching storms we face and wants to assist us through them.

But we must remember, he will not force us to call on him. Instead, he patiently waits for our prayers for assistance, nudging us to call out to him before it becomes too late.

Let us not overlook our need for his presence and power to quiet the heavy rains and strong winds advancing toward us. He sees ahead and knows what steps to take. Invite Jesus into our problems, reaching out to him in prayer, so we can receive his guidance on what to do before the storm comes ashore.

Lord, let me always be in awe of your power and wisdom that I do not foolishly attempt to take on the storms in my life by myself. By the work of the Holy Spirit, please remind me to seek your wisdom and guidance first before I start looking elsewhere for help. Amen.

Ask the Lord to meet you in the middle of the storms of your life and invite him to guide you by faith.

By Doug Lim
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Hope for the Hopeless
•   Did You Know that You are Someone Special?
•  Salvation Explained

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