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Knowing His Best

Published on August 2, 2021

“But godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1 Timothy 6:6

Walking in Rest!
Contentment is satisfaction with the place God has you at the present.

It is freedom from covetousness and from the feeling of having to have “a little bit more” in order to be happy. It delivers from greed and from the stress that comes in trying to lay up  treasures on earth. Contentment says that God has been good to me…that He will not fail me…that He knows what is best. A contented life has learned to go without instead of going into debt…has learned to wait for God’s time instead of moving in haste….has learned to hold all things with an open hand instead of a clenched fist. Contentment seeks His kingdom first and trusts God to add all that is needed.

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Life Can Bring Joy out of Sorrow by Norma Becker
•  Fully Surrender to the Lord
•  Salvation Explained