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Contagiously Calm

Published on August 8, 2021

How many disasters have been averted because one person refused to buckle under the strain? It’s this kind of composure Paul is summoning when he says:

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything” (Philippians 4:5-6 NIV).

The Greek word translated here as “gentleness” describes a temperament that’s seasoned and mature. It envisions an attitude fitting to the occasion, levelheaded and tempered. This gentleness is “evident to all.” Family members take note. Your friends sense a difference. Coworkers benefit from it.

The gentle person is sober minded and clear thinking. The contagiously calm person is the one who reminds others God is in control. Pursue this gentleness. The Lord is near. You are not alone. You may feel alone, you may think you’re alone, but there is never a moment in which you face life without help.

God is near—be anxious for nothing!

By Max Lucado
Used by permission

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Further Reading

•   God Listens to Us
•  Talking to God
•  Salvation Explained