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Our Confident Trust

Published on October 15, 2021

“I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”  Job 19:25

My wife died of cancer, but I still trust in God,” the speaker said to more than 400 college students at a winter conference I attended. I was impressed that he could passionately speak of his love for the Lord and had such faith after this devastating loss. That night I went to my room and asked Jesus Christ into my life.

At the conference, I read that faith comes from reading the Bible. I went to the bookstore and bought a Bible. A list of reading suggestions was on the inside cover. (If you want to know why Christians suffer, read the book of Job.)

Job was a man following God, living a good life. But Satan wanted to test Job’s faith and challenged God to allow him to do so. Shortly afterwards, Job hears that all his children died in an accident and his livestock was stolen. Then Job becomes drastically sick. In the midst of Job’s loss and suffering he states that he knows that he will see God because he believes that he lives. In spite of everything that Job went through, he trusted in God and had a relationship with him.

When we go through difficulties in life, we won’t always understand why either. But we can put our trust confidently in our Redeemer who lives and realize he will give us the strength we need for the day and the peace to endure.

Lord God, it is a mystery why life is so hard at times and why there is so much suffering. May you increase my faith and trust in you. Thank you that you give me the strength I need for the day and the peace to go with it. Amen.

Today thank God often that he is always with you, that you already have eternal life with him, and that he gives you the strength through his indwelling Spirit to face any challenges he allows.

By Jan Stewart
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

When Someone Disappoints Us
When Confusion Prevails
•  Salvation Explained