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Tap Into Strength

Published on November 20, 2021

Friend, life is real. We all go through challenging moments of life. At all times, you and I can reach out to God. He is not far. He has already enriched us with his power.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith:”  Ephesians 3:16-17

In this life, we don’t know what we’ll face and when. Most people won’t live a lifestyle of walking on a red carpet. I have faced some challenges and I’m sure you have, too.

Friend, life is real. We all go through challenging moments of life. However, it’s all about how we choose to position ourselves.

You may experience challenges in your body. It might be in other ways—maybe in your emotions or your finances, or maybe it’s about something beyond where my mind would dare go. Only you know.

Life happens. Yet God has provided help for us. And that help is more than enough for what you and I may go through. Sometimes God moves the mountains. Other times, God sustains you and me.

At all times, you and I can reach out to God. He is not far. He has already enriched us with his power. We just need to reach out to him.

Believe God. Open your heart to him. You have access to life and strength in him. Believe God can strengthen your inner man anytime, anywhere. You are reachable, and he is within reachable distance.

Allow his power to strengthen your heart. When you ask God to empower you by his Spirit to do his will, his strength becomes yours. No matter what comes against you, God can and will uphold you.

Have faith. Simply believe you have the faith required to receive his glorious power. His power is your strength. Trust that he is your defender, your helper, your rescuer and more.

Father God, I ask you to help me to overcome by faith. No matter what I face, your presence and power are available to me to help me to stand firm. Thank you.

Think about what God has done for you. He has made his amazing power available to you. Believe that he can strengthen your heart to face whatever comes your way.

By Fab Batsakis
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Practicing the Presence of God

•  In the Stillness

•  Salvation Explained

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