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Risk Believing in God

Published on November 29, 2021

A Devotional by Max Lucado

When forced to stand at the crossroads of belief and unbelief, God’s people choose belief! God’s people risk believing!  Nowhere is this better exemplified than in Joshua’s story. You could argue that the central message of the book of Joshua is this headline:  “God keeps his promises.  Trust him.”

Three times Joshua declares God did what he said he would do!

1) “The LORD gave all He had sworn to give.
2) “The LORD gave rest according to all He had sworn to their fathers.
3) “Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken.  All came to pass” (Joshua 21:43-45).

Learn from Joshua.

Take a risk.

Believe in God. 
He will do what he has said he will do.

By Max Lucado
Read more God is With You Every Day
Used by permission

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Further Reading

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