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The Kind of Faith that Pleases God

Published on February 11, 2022

We all want the type of faith that releases the fullest blessings of God in our lives.

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

One of my favorite places to visit in all of Israel is the Valley of Elah – the place where David famously slayed Goliath. Despite the passing of time, not much has changed in the valley, except for a few archaeological sites, and my imagined version of the events on that victorious day. I was filled with a sense of overwhelming awe when my tour guide Benayah and I ventured down into the valley and he told me to look for 5 smooth stones; and then he asked me to reflect on the type of faith it takes to defeat giants in our own lives.

As I began to think about his question, I remembered how David went from shepherd boy to King of Israel, capturing Jerusalem, reuniting the nation and controlling an empire. David always looked towards the Lord; and from the anxieties he suffered, he developed faith and determination in Jehovah. His unwavering confidence in God were apparent to all.

Everyone has struggles in life; and these struggles test our faith. We all want the type of faith that releases the fullest blessings of God in our lives. How do we ensure the type of faith that pleases God?

When your faith is tested, reflect on how God has helped you in the past, acknowledge his power over the situation and trust him for the resources you need. Praise him in the trial and ask others to pray for you. Ask the Lord to increase your faith.

Today’s Bible verse provides a brief narrative of faith. It describes and explains how faith works in three simple steps. First, a humble dependence on God recognizes that he is the source of everything we need. Second, we approach him with an open heart because we recognize him as the sovereign Lord over all; third, we trust God to keep his word. Together, these three simple steps represent the type of faith that pleases the Lord.

We all have the opportunity to be a hero of faith that someone looks up to. A. W, Tozer stated,

We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day – but remember at that time they didn’t know they were heroes.

Even when our circumstances do not change, we can have a faith like David’s. We can face our giants with faith because God is on our side!

Heavenly Father, thank you for increasing my faith and helping me to see the specific ways you have revealed yourself to me. I praise you that you know all things perfectly and that I can trust the unknown to you. In Jesus’s blessed name I pray, Amen.

Today invite God to daily increase your ability to depend on him for everything, approach him full-heartedly, and trust him to keep his promises.

By Julie Lairsey
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  A Bible Study on Waiting on God

•   Hailing the Chief

•  Salvation Explained

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